

Great! Email to [email protected] with your shop name, location and contact details.

Contact your local REP about placing a new order.

Mail to [email protected]
With title: Shop Images
Provide us your shop name + a website link to your shop.
Tell us what product photoā€™s your looking for and if you need any other type of Images (logoā€™s branding, etc,)


For problems with orders placed at a dutchpro retailer we recommend mailing the webshop with your problem, this way you have direct contact with the company you placed your order with.


Our website is full with information. We have product pages for all our products that you can check out.
We also have FAQ about every product on the Grower support page or on the specific product page.

Send us a mail with where you canā€™t figure it out, if multiple visitors struggle on that same part, we will try and come up with a better way to explain it.

Mail to : [email protected]
Title : Website information struggle

We have FAQ that give an answer to that question.

Base feeds : are part of our base line
Essential additives : These are part of our base line.
Advanced additives : These products are not in our base line but do take your grow to the next level.
pH Regulators : These products regulate your pH and are not part of our base line.
Starterpacks : In these packs you can find all the base products you need to conduct a small grow.
Growing media : These bags provide you with a base for your plant to grow in.

There is information on the second page of our feed charts and our social media channels are full of extra information for you to check out.
If you need even more information, check local grow shops selling our nutrients or ask about us on forums.

We have feed charts that will help you with what you need to add every week. You can also check out what every product does on the product pages to understand them more.
You can also check out our FAQ about how our products work/what they do.


We get questions about growing your own food every day! So much that itā€™s not possible to answer all of them. We have a few basic questions answered about growing HERE. If you cannot find your answer there, we advise to contact your local store, online forums or people in your contacts.

Thatā€™s great! There is always something new to learn, here at Dutchpro we try our best to provide growers with tips&tricks and general information to help them out. Check our articles HERE

Sharp! We want the information on our website to be correct and take this very seriously!

Mail to : [email protected]
Title ā€œWrong info on websiteā€
Add a photo and highlight the part your talking about if possible.
Tell us whatā€™s wrong and how it should be stated.
Provide us a link to the right page.

It doesnā€™t matter if you are new, or you have years of experience. Sometimes it just does not go how you planned and you simply just donā€™t know why.
Lucky for you that there are millions of forums with information/instructions you can follow! We have some topics on our article page you can check out! HERE

Welcome to a world full of greatness! Buckle up, because this will be wild ride.

You can check out millions of information sources to provide you with beginner guides.

Our tip : Start with Dutchpro ;). Donā€™t make it as hard as it can be at the start. Donā€™t overcare your plant or start to big. Small & simple is the best way to start learning about this awsome way of providing yourself with home grown food!


Mail to : [email protected]

Title ā€œFeedback about (topic)ā€

Provide us with as much information as you can and we will see what we can do!

Reviews help to build trust to new & returning customers. We are very happy that you want to review our products

On retailers website : See how you review on their site

You do not have to review a product after using it. We would love it if you did!